a hairy toy

one week of brushing yields piles of fluff

what to do? craft s’more that cat hair stuff!

nimble hands now roll now shape then form

that mound of hair? it’s now transformed!

now see, for words cannot express

wild cat exuberance! yes, Yes!  Y E S !


the fur piles


cat wildness one


cat wildness two


cat eyeing the hairy toy


a little advertising won’t hurt

but will it dish out the pay dirt?

because, i’m one terrifying trend

that might portend or offend

and on cracked.com you’ll find the buzz

that cat hair stuff is anything but fuzz

yes, they can humor me all the same

but just you wait

cat hair jewelry will put them to shame!

cracked.com: HAIRBALLS—not just choking hazards for cats anymore!


loved the old and now the new

an earring went AWOL

in yonder urban sprawl

it was a cherished treasure

that gave the wearer pleasure

* * *

this bauble? no ordinary thing

t’was cat hair that made it zing!

so another set was made

to replaced the one that strayed


f i n i s h e d !

Metro Cat

For weeks and weeks I fussed then cursed

My mind was trapped and at its worst

No creative thoughts were to be found

My mental state had run aground!

> * * <

I begged my kitty—help me please

I badly need your expertise!

With Thinking Turban on his nod

Designs soon flew—and none too soon!

> * * <

And now, let’s see him strut his stuff

With Metro Cat he sure looks tough!


City kitties metro statement in fur and steel.  One “tough” looking cat he is.


Choker necklace. Steel, cat hair and stainless steel jump rings.

Gaia’s jewel

Awake! Awake! now time to make!

What shall it be? you soon shall see

His nod has sparked so now be awed

A cat hair jewel that won’t be flawed!

But first the hair must have a flair

It can’t be rolled he must be bold

And so we leave him to his task—

A creation, he’ll soon unmask!

> * * <   Gaia choosing from his cat hair horde   > * * <


Z Z Zzz zZZ Z Z z

His turban’s off and now he sleeps

With mind awake not counting sheep

He’s thinking, thinking what to make

So please be still so he won’t wake.

Oh Gaia, Gaia let me know

If there’s some way that you can show

What were you thinking, help me here

Just whisper gently in my ear.
