feline ano nuevo !

el story-o to begin the year right

me gato in Meh-he-co, what a delight!


wearing a necklace proudly, he is

doing his best to get me more biz!


no sombrero, no nada, has traveled me way

but Gaia, me gato, you’ve sure made me day!



mr tubular too-two

commission work, ain’t an easy thing to do

especially when iterations make you blue

this here one, was not much fun

glad i was when it got done!

the tubes of hair—too large at first

wire too thick—it made me curse!

i calmed my mind, got back to work

with head at ease, i then rework

persistence finally got me through

i’m pleased—hopefully you are too!

commission two of 3



pom-pom cat

mr gaia is my luscious muse

i create while he dost snooze

a new creation i shalt unveil

with pom-poms of a grander scale

this choker it is not old news

i know for me it does enthuse!

* * *

whorled steel and orbs of hair so fine

a statement piece—this new design



a little advertising won’t hurt

but will it dish out the pay dirt?

because, i’m one terrifying trend

that might portend or offend

and on cracked.com you’ll find the buzz

that cat hair stuff is anything but fuzz

yes, they can humor me all the same

but just you wait

cat hair jewelry will put them to shame!

cracked.com: HAIRBALLS—not just choking hazards for cats anymore!


loved the old and now the new

an earring went AWOL

in yonder urban sprawl

it was a cherished treasure

that gave the wearer pleasure

* * *

this bauble? no ordinary thing

t’was cat hair that made it zing!

so another set was made

to replaced the one that strayed
