bright xmas packages tied up with string . . .

And Meow’s Favorite Things continue on . . .

It’s Christmas day, Oh joy Oh joy!

But not for toys, Oh boy Oh boy!

I race the house, I’m full of glee

To see such fun beneath the tree!

It’s paper, ribbon, and the string

That makes this kitty’s heart dost sing!

I jump, I slide, I hide. I rip, I pull, I bite.

What joy! And all for Meow’s delight!

 > * * <


One of the stiff hairs that are located about the nostrils in many mammals.

My kitty cat’s lips are studded with vibrissae

That tickle my face while he gives me a kiss-e.

And if my chance on the floor I spy a lone vibrissa

A jar awaits to collects its fate.

It won’t be missed—just one of twenty-eight!

^. .^